Complete leads the way in environmentally responsible Australian print solutions. As of 1 January 2021, Complete Colour Printing in Cheltenham, Victoria, turned to 100% powered by renewable energy sources.
This is achieved in two ways:
by consuming power generated by our 200Kw LGC* (728-panel) rooftop solar power plant
drawing additional power in our peak periods from Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Power that is 100% GreenPower** Certified – providing comfort to our clients that the energy we consume from the grid has no impact on the environment
In addition, we send excess energy generated from our solar power plant back to the grid for others to utilise. That is what we like to call win-win-win.

GreenPower’s mission has three parts:
Support the Australian renewable energy sector
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation
Provide consumer choice to purchase renewable energy anywhere on the grid
“We always aspire to be industry captains across everything we do,” says Managing Director Tim Michaelides.
“And GreenPower is doing the same in its industry. Being environmentally responsible not only aligns with our core values, but it also makes sense. Businesses have to stand up and make a difference against climate change and the other environmental threats we face.
“We were careful to build our 200Kw roof-top solar farm to match the usage we needed without wasting materials. And that means for certain periods of the year, we need to buy extra energy. Now, thanks to GreenPower, we can be 100% confident that any energy we use is also responsibly generated.”
“Prior to installing our Large Generation Solar Panel Plant late in 2017, we had worked with CSIRO to try and find a viable solution for over a decade. Eventually, we teamed up with long-term partner Beacon Group (under Beacon Energy Solutions) to make it happen, and NAB helped us fund the initial investment with its climate change finance program. It’s been a fantastic addition to our business.”

Alongside the solar farm, we run an eco-recycling solvent tank recovery system, we use vegetable-based ink and we only purchase paper that is sourced from well-managed forests certified to a credible standard. In July 2023, we passed another audit with flying colours – in ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) – certifying us as a trusted manufacturer.
“We’re a well-processed, system-orientated business,” says Director Geoff Lawyer.
“We believe in sustainable habits and return on investment. In order to live true to these beliefs, we have to minimise waste across every facet of the business; our systems drive our performance. We’ve taken a decision not to waste non-renewable energy sources, because we know we can generate our own and responsibly purchase any top-up we might require.
“Environmentally sound practices, such as waste reduction, responsible paper purchasing and reducing our raw material inputs and outputs, has a positive impact on each project we engage with. Our clients and partners can be assured that cleaner production, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and a commitment to an extensive recycling program leads to increased efficiency in materials usage. These savings are passed on to clients without compromising their projects.”
The whole Complete team is committed to creating processes that are environmentally responsible, from raw materials to client delivery.
*LGC is the acronym for Large-scale Generation Certificate from a Certified Power Plant. Certificates are generated for every MegaWatt of Power Generated (whether consumed or returned to the grid).
**GreenPower is a government-managed program that enables businesses to support renewable energy generation. Our partnership with ERM Power ensures Complete is purchasing energy that comes from genuinely renewable sources, with our fees going towards funding renewable energy projects and jobs. Without GreenPower, we could not guarantee that the energy we purchase from the grid is responsibly generated.